Vaccination is a superpower against diseases!


Vaccination of children and adults is the only effective way to prevent such dangerous diseases as whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and poliomyelitis.

Every year, more and more parents have a positive attitude towards vaccination, but since the pandemic's beginning, the number of children who have received the necessary vaccines has significantly decreased. There are many reasons: parents do not always understand the significance of scheduled, and most importantly, timely vaccination; unpredictable lockdowns; fear of possible coronavirus infection…

What about adults?
As it turns out, childhood vaccinations also have an expiration date! Every 10 years, every adult must be re-vaccinated, this restores the immune system's strength to fight against dangerous diseases.


The world is tired of pandemic fears and constant instability. So the main challenge for us was the tone of communication that would work effectively with our audience since lately adults constantly feel double tension and stress born of fear for themselves and their children.

We decided to reduce the degree of anxiety of Ukrainian parents and created such communication that would be based on positive emotions - without horror stories and depressing warnings.