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we told 42 unbreakable stories about the unity and mutual assistance of Ukrainians during the war.

July-September 22
21 video stories
21 text stories
3 key-visuals
🤔 background

do you remember the first months of the war? Ukrainian and russian speakers, Orthodox and Catholics - with the first shot, everyone united against the russians. Months go by, we experience trauma after trauma as people and as a society. In this state, we disconnect and stop tolerating and empathizing.

in energy-saving mode, our cunning brain relies on stereotypes.

😐 problem

many stereotypes do more harm than good. Especially those inspired by russia. However, we decided not to fight against the wind of propaganda.

instead of focusing on it, we decided to turn to reality, where Ukrainians do the possible and the impossible for each other.

🚀 decision

we decided to create a communication company that will bring Ukrainians together, regardless of belonging to the region, city or village. We stand as an unbreakable wall against the enemy, and it is important for us to trust each other. Yes, everyone got a different role. The russian-speaking East had to meet the enemy, the Ukrainian-speaking West had to support the rear.

in each region, every Ukrainian man and woman makes an invaluable contribution both to the present and to future victory. When we are side by side the air alarm isn't such terrible.

🎞 videos and texts
👁 reach 450 000+
we recorded 42 stories of Ukrainians – artists, businessmen and businesswomen, children and adults.
2,400 subscribers
78 posts 50 marks
300,000+ reach
18 stickers
600 uses
21 posts
3000+ views
990 subscribers
24 collaborations
78 posts
55 marks
190,000+ reach
170 subscribers
15 posts
16,000+ reach
🖨 outdoor
👁 2 940 000+ reached out
we showed that we all are doing a common thing by combining footage of the military life of Ukrainians. It is because we are one big family, where everyone can support a friend and a stranger, and everyone is ready to lend a friendly shoulder. Residents of 7 Ukrainian cities saw 90 posters on billboards and city lights.
🖇 leaflets
👁 reach 10 400+
we designed and printed 64,000 leaflets with the necessary information for forced migrants in each of the 7 western regions.
🎨 artistic collaboration
🖼 25 illustrations
we are inspired by modern artists. Their ways of visual communication are fascinating! So we invited Ukrainian illustrators to discuss important things together.
🔦 flash mob  
👁 covered 1.2 million
👨 68 participants took part
during preparation for Independence Day, we created inspiring merch that was sent to politicians, state administration heads, bloggers and influencers - so that it would be a little more love and a little less prejudice in the information space of every Ukrainian.
🗞 releases
👁 covered 1.2 million
170 publications
👨 88 media partners
in order to cooperate with the mass media effectively, we made each story an info drive - this is how 42 materials turned into 42 releases. The special releases were added to them - both about the inspiring stories of women during the war, and about the unifying flash mob.
press releases screenshots
🗞 special project
👁 covered 1.2 million
170 publications
👨 88 media partners
we knew that «side by side» was created to unite. However, for that, the one needs to be heard. It is difficult to imagine a better partner for such a task than the national television company, which shapes the reality of millions of Ukrainians every day. Within the framework of the special project, "Suspilne" TV channels published more than 10 videos, and the main media regularly shared the heroes' stories on the website and social networks.
press releases Suspilne screenshots
🗞 Diia special project
🗞 5 publications on the portal
5 posts in Instagram
among the recorded 42 materials there were the stories of Ukrainian businessmen and businesswomen and entrepreneurs who saved themselves from hot spots but continued to work, no matter what. That's why we thought that this topic perfectly suits for a collaboration with Diia business. Diia helps to create, develop and scale a business. Yes, even in wartime conditions!
press releases Diia.business screenshots
🏁 the results
🟣 coverage plan: 2 014 000
actual coverage: 33 530 594
the project, designed to unite Ukrainians, received incredible support. Just imagine - the results exceeded our expectations 16 times in fact!