Everyone on the Earth, absolutely everyone, has a beloved woman.
For some, it's a mother, for some a grandmother, wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend.
And each one is
potentially threatened
by Breast cancer
In Ukraine, it is diagnosed in 15 thousand women every year
And the earlier the disease is detected, the higher the chances of overcoming it
And detecting cancer in its early stages is possible only with regular check-ups.
But what does the
Ukrainian woman do?
In most cases, she takes care of everyone except herself.
She only goes to the doctor when something really bothers her.
She's afraid to hear a terrible diagnosis during the examination.
The full-scale war of russia against Ukraine has only worsened the situation.
The rates of undergoing check-ups have dropped by 14%.
Self-care has become a luxury.
Which is shameful to allow oneself.
Taking care of oneself has become something for Ukrainian women that is simply
So how can we not only remind under such conditions about the
necessity of regular check-ups with a mammologist, but also
Since at the center of the female universe, in most cases, is everyone except herself,
we decided to turn to these "everyone" for help.
Those who matter to the woman.
Those whose opinion is important to her.
Those whose care is an undeniable value.
And with their help, to redirect the woman's focus back to herself.
Said simply, softly, but carefully,
We didn't scare with facts,
Didn't use an imperative tone,
We just gently reminded Ukrainian women of what they so often forget,
and showed the care they really need.
We created a video manifesto and used it to speak to our "moms," "dads,"
and loved ones on TV screens, when they're at home,
And when they're riding the metro.
When they're listening to bloggers whose opinions matter to them.
And when they simply relax, reading or scrolling through the feed of their pages,
We reached out to doctors and involved them in a dialogue with
Ukrainian women to remind them about annual check-ups.
Finally, we ventured into forbidden territory – we boldly decided to remind
women that they matter when they're most inclined to forget about it.

During the pre-Christmas and pre-New Year period, when Ukrainian
women think about what to put under the tree for their loved ones,
No, we didn't try to fight the pre-holiday rush.
We decided to join
it instead
And we placed Christmas decorations on the main Christmas trees of Kyiv,
reminding about the necessity to take care of their own health.
And a Christmas miracle happened...
Over1 million 300 thousand
Ukrainians saw our messages live
Over 800 thousand online
"You matter" became a real manifesto
But most importantly...
The number of visits to a mammologist
has already increased by 35%!
And, experts predict, by mid-2024 it will return to the level it was
before the full-scale invasion.

How did this happen?
Simply because everyone has a beloved woman.
She calls every evening to ask how the day was
She cooks our favorite dish when we come to visit
She knows us from and to. And yet loves us.
She looks at us in the mirror reflection
And it's very important for her to hear
You matter.